Register for the Early Bird Notification for the OPT membership site launch!

Only 200 spots available!

Coming in a few weeks OPT will be launching its membership site.  Register now and we'll keep you on the Early Bird list that will give you a head start for signing up and grabbing a spot.

The new website features exceptional content, forums, exercise videos, a spot specifically designed for CCP coaches, training programs, and more!  Leveraging James FitzGerald's vast knowledge base, research & data collected over 15+ years, expertise and passion, it is our goal to create a community that can journey together towards optimal health.  Whether you are an elite athlete, enjoy fitness for health and longevity, or are passionate about coaching others in fitness - this site will be packed with information for people of all levels, abilities and backgrounds.

To provide high quality content we have limited the initial launch to just 200, so make sure to register so you don't miss out!